pp108 : Viewing Sub-processes of a Process Instance

Viewing Sub-processes of a Process Instance

This topic describes the procedure to view the sub-processes of a process instance.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the Process Administrator role in Process Platform Business Process Engine application package to view the sub-processes of a process instance.

You can drill down to the sub-process details of a process instance from the Process Instance Manager (PIM). If a sub-process contains other sub-processes, the traversed path is displayed on top of the Sub Processes pane. The traversed path shows the drill-down.
Do one of the following to view sub-processes of a process instance:

To view from...window


Instances by Process Definition

This topic describes the fields in the Instances by Process Definition interface and the operations that can be performed therein.
1.In My Applications App Palette, click (Process Instance Manager). The Process Instance Manager appears with a list of business processes that have process instances.
2.Click Find () on the toolbar. The Filter Process Instances window appears. If you do not specify the filter criteria for process instances, the default filter options are considered based on which the process instances appear.
3.Type the selection criteria.
4.Click OK. All process instances that match the specified criteria appear.
5.Click the instances with the status for which you want to view the sub-process instance details. The Instances by Process Definition window appears.
6.Select the process instance and click (Show Sub-Processes). The Sub-Processes appears with the sub process details.

All Instances View

1.In My Applications App Palette, click (Process Instance Manager). The Process Instance Manager appears with a list of business processes that have process instances.
2.Click (Options) menu and select All Instances View. The process instances appear. The Process Filters window appears displaying a list view of all saved process filters.
3.Click OK. All process instances that match the specified criteria appear.

4. Select the process instance and click ( Show Sub-Processes) to display the sub-processes. The Sub-Processes pane appears.
5.Click ( Show Sub-Processes) to drill-down to the sub-processes of the sub-process instance.

The sub-process details appear in the Sub Processes pane.


Related tasks

Viewing Process Instances
Viewing a Process Instance in Graphical View
Viewing Activities of a Process Instance
Performing Operations in Process Instance Manager
Viewing the Message and Error Text of a Process Instance
Viewing a Process Instance Message Map
Skipping an Activity

Related reference

Filter Process Instances Interface
Instances by Process Definition Interface